Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Self worth

To put it mildly, I can only begin to imagine how much it must have sucked for Jennifer Lopez to have lost Ben Affleck. If they were living in the world of High School, Jennifer Lopez was the cute Freshmen that caught the eye of the hottest Senior in school, Ben. He asked her out and from there her popularity went into overdrive. He soon realized that she became more preoccupied with the attention they recieved as a couple than with their actual relationship so he dumped her ass. Like any dumped person, Jennifer was heartbroken. Everyone seemed to have felt sorry for her because she lost her dream guy. Less than three months later she shocked many when she started dating Marc Anthony. She later went on to marry Marc Anthony and bare his children. People remained shocked. Why? I think it's because everyone was stunned to realize that through her despair of breaking up with Ben Affleck, she seemed to have lost all of her self esteem.

I don't know much about Marc Anthony except from what I have read about him and what I see when I look at pictures of him - He is thin, homely and controlling. Jennifer was beautiful, wealthy and widely successful when she met him. Like Julia Roberts and Lyle Lovett, it was sweet but something about it just didn't seem right.

One of my favorite quotes is, "Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are "It might have been." To me, the underlying message of the quote is that it's important to not settle in life. Otherwise, you will feel perplexed in life always wondering what your potential may have been if you chose not to settle for anything less than what you expected for yourself.

Like many women and men, I believe that Jennifer Lopez woke up one day realizing that she sold herself short. I don't like to bash people. I'm sure that Marc has many great qualities as a person but I just don't think that he was up to par with Jennifer and she knew that too. It just took her a while to accept that. I'm proud of Jennifer for moving on in her life leaving someone behind that she knew she would never feel fully satisfied with.

I will end by saying that I think many people out there can learn from Jennifer's mistake. Many people have experienced a break up with someone that they thought was the perfect person for them. When you're the one broken up with by a person that you perceived as ideal, it can be a major blow to your feelings of self worth. That doesn't mean that you have to settle for the gross, skinny guy that has been after you for years.


  1. This is true!I totally agree.I understand she has children with this man but 7 years ????!!!!.....don't get it.It must have been worse that ben picked the band geek over her .

  2. Thanks for reading and I'm glad you liked it! Yes, seven years is seven years way too long. And you're right about the band geek thing, it must have really bothered her.
